Dr. Pascal FLAMENT
Professeur des Universités
Thématique : Accompagnement des Transitions EnvironnementaleS (ACTES)

LPCA – UR 4493
Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale
MREI 2 – 189A Avenue Maurice Schumann
Tél : +33 (0)3 28 23 76 44
E-mail : pascal.flament@univ-littoral.fr
Current Research Interests
Pascal Flament (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4774-9900) obtained his PhD in Analytical Chemistry in 1985 and his HDR (Authorized to Supervise Research) in 2004. He is Professor since 2016. His main interest is related to the formation and evolution of pollution aerosols. As a chemist, his research expertise is more specifically applied to the tropospheric chemistry of heavy metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium or copper as (isotopic) tracers of sources and processes of atmospheric pollution.
His ongoing projects concern the contribution of pollution derived particles and desert dust to the delivery of soluble Fe to the oceans and more particularly the partitioning between soluble and particulate Fe during tropospheric transport and the related isotope fractionation processes (collaboration with the Free University Brussels, G-Time Laboratory, Prof. Nadine Mattielli – https://gtime.ulb.be/nadine-mattielli/). These activities take place especially within the scope of the Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) CaPPA, financed by the ANR and the new ANR funded Project “FAAR” (Surface complexation: a key phenomenon in Fe Aerosols Atmospheric Reactivity?).
Pascal Flament has a regular referee activity for high ranked journals (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Chemosphere…). He has co-supervised 13 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers and published 48 referred papers (1478 citations, author h-index: 22; Source: Elsevier© Scopus citation database of peer-reviewed literature, accessed January 8th 2024). As a co-author, he presented 65 oral and poster communications in International Conferences.
Selected Recent Publications
Impact of sea breeze dynamics on atmospheric pollutants and their toxicity in industrial and urban coastal environment. Patrick Augustin, Sylvain Billet, Suzanne Crumeyrolle, Karine Deboudt, Elsa Dieudonné, Pascal Flament, Marc Fourmentin, Sarah Guilbaud, Benjamin Hanoune, Yann Landkocz, Clémence Méausoone, Sayahnya Roy, Francois Schmitt, Alexei Sentchev, Anton Sokolov. Remote Sensing, 2020,12, 648; doi:10.3390/rs12040648
Emissions of non-exhaust particles from road traffic under various driving conditions: Implications for sustainable mobility. Beji, K. Deboudt, S. Khardi, B. Muresan, M. Fourmentin, P. Flament and L. Lumière. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 81, 102290, doi:10.1016/j.trd.2020.102290
Characterization and source apportionment of single particles from metalworking activities. Arndt, R. M. Healy, A. Setyan, P. Flament, K. Deboudt, V. Riffault, L. Y. Alleman, S. Mbengue and J. C. Wenger. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 270, 116078 (doi : 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116078)
In-cloud processing as a possible source of isotopically light iron from anthropogenic aerosols: new insights from a laboratory study. D.S. Mulholland, Flament, P., de Jong, J., Mattielli, N., Deboudt, K. , Dhont, G. and Bychkov, E. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 259, 118505 (doi : 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118505)
Laboratory study of iron isotope fractionation during dissolution of mineral dust and industrial ash in simulated cloud water. Elena C. Maters, Daniel S. Mulholland, Pascal Flament, Jeroen de Jong, Nadine Mattielli, Karine Deboudt, Guillaume Dhont and Eugene Bychkov. Chemosphere, 2022, 299, 134472 (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134472).
Development and Characterization of a Time-Sequenced Cascade Impactor: Application to Transient PM2.5 Pollution Events in Urbanized and Industrialized Environments. S.H. Ngagine, Deboudt, K., Flament, P., Choël, M., Kulinski, P. and Marteel, F. Atmosphere, 2022, 13, 244. (doi:10.3390/ atmos13020244).
Physical and chemical characteristics of particles emitted by a passenger vehicle at the tire-road contact. Asma Beji, Karine Deboudt, Bogdan Muresan, Salah Khardi, Pascal Flament, Marc Fourmentin, Laurence Lumiere. Chemosphere, 2023, 139874 (doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139874).