2nd scientific day of the A2U – BCE workshop

On the occasion of the second scientific day of the A2U – Bioresources and Environmental Changes (BCE) workshop, the ULCO research laboratories and platforms were in the spotlight to welcome the research stakeholders of the University of Artois and the University of Picardie Jules Verne in order to share the research activities of our university.

Thus, presentations of the structures and activities were made by Hervé Delbarre, Stéphane Siffert and Fabrice Cazier respectively for the LPCA, the UCEIV and the CCM. Several posters were also exhibited in order to have a more detailed overview of certain research activities by our doctoral students, post-doctoral students and teacher-researchers and can be found in the provided section of this website. The rest of the day was devoted to visiting the laboratories of the Dunkirk site. Thus, the guests were able to discover, for the LPCA, the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), the CHARME Atmospheric Simulation Chamber (CSA), as well as the instrumented terrace of the IRENE building.

We thank our guests for their enthusiasm regarding our research as well as the various actors who participated in the organization of this day.