CPER ECRIN Scientific Day

On May 27, 2024, took place the CPER ECRIN scientific day of WP2 “Impact on living things of environmental changes in natural, agricultural and peri-urban environments”. The LPCA participated in this day through two presentations:

  • The first “Effects of exposure to secondary organic aerosols resulting from the ozonolysis of beta-pinene on the pulmonary and systemic immune response” presented by Mathilde BODY and resulting from a collaboration between the INFINITE laboratories (University of Lille), CIIL (Institut Pasteur de Lille) and LPCA and financed by the regional project STIMULE – IMPULSE.


  • The second “Investigation of the reactivity of prenol with atmospheric oxidants in the atmospheric simulation chamber CHARME” presented by Reem AL MAWLA and resulting from a collaboration between the CERI EE (IMT Nord Europe), UCEIV (ULCO) and LPCA laboratories within the framework of a doctoral thesis funded by ULCO and the CaPPA labex.


We thank the organizers for this day of fruitful exchanges between the different participants which will provide many perspectives within the framework of this CPER.