Cecilia Pech with her team “Paradox” wins 2nd Place at “Qiskit Fall Fest 2023”

Cécilia PECH is part of the international team “Paradox” which won second place in the programming marathon (hackathon) organized as part of the “Qiskit Fall Fest 2023” in Spanish. The “Qiskit Fall Fest 2023” in Spanish is an online Quantum Computing event which took place from October 23 to November 10, 2023 and which brought together 1,881 Spanish-speaking participants from around the world.

During 2 intensive weeks, the team attended numerous seminars from academic and industry specialists in the field of Quantum Computing. In the third and final week, team members had to demonstrate the knowledge they acquired by completing a project with the Qiskit programming language. This award-winning educational project concerns the implementation and resolution of the Monty Hall problem with a quantum computer.

Link to the project in GitHub:


Link to event website:
Link to the event YouTube channel:
Program : week 1, week 2, week 3