During the preparation day for the science and society academic forum, the LPCA, with the support of the MTE Pole, welcomed Mr. David CAMPAGNE, LILLE academy inspector and correspondent for the Science and Technology Academic Culture of the school at higher education (CAST). He was assisted by Mr. Frédéric IMPORTUNO, Operational Director of Education for Sustainable Development and CAST project manager in the presence of Éric FERTEIN, in charge of Scientific culture at ULCO. During this visit, they were able to discover our research activities on meteorological phenomena and their impacts on air quality and potential wind power. It was also an opportunity to present to them the actions to disseminate scientific and technical culture thanks to the optical experiments integrated into the UMA. The enthusiasm, generated by the experiences presented by Patrick AUGUSTIN, will give the LPCA the opportunity to present them, during the academic science and society forum on the theme “Territory in transition” which will be held on Wednesday May 29, 2024 in Dunkirk.

Visit of LPCA by Mr. David CAMPAGNE, LILLE Academy Inspector and correspondent for Academic Culture Science and Technology from school to higher education (CAST), assisted by Mr. Frédéric IMPORTUNO, Operational Director Education for Sustainable Development and CAST project manager

Presentation in the UMA of experimental activities to study meteorological phenomena and their impacts on air quality and potential wind power.

The optical experiments integrated into the UMA aroused the curiosity of our guests