An upcoming session of “Advanced Spectroscopic Measurement Techniques and Applications for Atmospheric Science (AS5.13)” will be organized by Prof. Weidong CHEN of the LPCA, Dr. Dean VENABLES of the University College Cork (Ireland), Prof. Houston MILLER of George Washington University (USA), Prof. Weixiong ZHAO of Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) and Dr. Tobias SCHMITT of Heidelberg University (Germany) at the EGU General Assembly 2025 in Vienna from 27 April to 2 May 2025 (https://www.egu25.eu/).
Topics for presentation at this AS5.13 session include developments, demonstrations and applications of novel spectroscopic methods and instruments dedicated to measuring atmospheric aerosols, isotopologues, greenhouse gases and other trace gases, as well as associated atmospheric meteorological parameters such as temperature, wind speed, humidity, etc. Studies of vertical concentration profiles and flux measurements are all welcome when the instrumentation is a focus of the work. Spectroscopic methods could include high sensitivity and selectivity spectroscopy (such as dual-comb spectroscopy, cavity-enhanced absorption/Raman spectroscopies, photoacoustic & photothermal spectroscopy and other spectroscopic methods), low-cost optical sensors, heterodyne radiometry and imaging spectroscopy. Applications include laboratory demonstration, ground and airborne platforms (UAV/drone, balloon, aircraft) observations, smog chamber studies. Approaches using new spectral data analysis tools (including machine learning) are encouraged.
Deadline for support applications : 02 December 2024, 13:00 CET
Deadline for receipt of abstracts : 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET