Arnaud CUISSET and 3 Co-Authors receive the 2023 Prize from the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres of Dijon

Arnaud CUISSET is co-author of a popular science work which will be published by Ellipses at the start of the 2024 school year. It was written jointly with two fellow researchers from the Carnot Institute in Burgundy, Vincent BOUDON and Cyril RICHARD, and a researcher from the Reims Molecular Spectrometry Group, Maud ROTGER.

Saturday October 14, all four of them received the “2023 Prize of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles Lettres de Dijon”, an institution 3 centuries old, one of the first winners of which was a certain J.J. Rousseau.

Another exceptional element, Anne L’HUILLIER, Professor of French Atomic Physics at Lund University in Sweden and 2023 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, wrote the preface.

This Saturday the awards ceremony was organized in the magnificent Salle des Estates of the Dijon Town Hall with, among other things, a speech by François REBSAMEN, Mayor of Dijon and former Minister.