“ Fête de la Science 2024” preparation workshop

The LPCA, supported by the Pôle MTE, participated in the preparation workshop for the 2024 Science Festival, which was held this Wednesday March 27, 2024 in the premises of the ULCO in Boulogne-sur-mer. For its 33rd edition which will take place from October 4 to 14, 2024, the theme will be “Ocean of knowledge”. Organized by Ombelliscience, this workshop brought together representatives of ULCO, SFR Campus de la mer, Nausicaa, Maréis, le PLUS, ISML/IFSEA, the Boulogne-sur-mer Museum, the Les Scientivores association, REPERES , ANSES and the BIO ECO AGRO laboratory (UMR Transfrontalière) in order to encourage exchanges with participants on proposals for possible forms of action during this national event.

During this workshop, three member laboratories of the SFR Campus de la Mer presented their research activities related to the sea. The LPCA was selected in order to present to the various partners, the interactions between the dynamics of the atmosphere and the sea, specifying the issues, the scientific objectives as well as the experimental means used for observations and analysis of sea breezes and Low Level Jet (LLJ). In addition, the activities of the LPCA, in connection with scientific mediation, were discussed by highlighting its field of participation ranging from the Science Festival to the Mathematics week via the Sea Festival and the partnership with the Higher School of Art.

This workshop ended with a visit to three platforms of the Ifremer Channel-North Sea Fisheries Unit as well as the NAUSICAA Blue Academy.