Supporting Environmental Transitions
The ACTES theme (Support for Environmental Transitions) addresses the scientific challenges linked to a rapidly changing environment under human pressure. Research focuses on atmospheric dynamics and its role on air pollution, the physico-chemical evolution of aerosols during their aging and the development of innovative processes with a low environmental footprint which aim to reduce atmospheric emissions. pollutants.
To address these environmental issues, in a multidisciplinary manner, in the field during national and international measurement campaigns or in the laboratory, the ACTES theme is based on the deployment of cutting-edge remote sensing tools for wind and aerosols (lidars). and physico-chemical analysis (electron microscopy, chemical speciation of fine particles, etc.), on the synthesis and characterization of materials, and on the development of digital methods at the best of the state of the art (atmospheric modeling, methods learning …).

Activities related to atmospheric dynamics in connection with air pollution mobilize our expertise in remote sensing, atmospheric physico-chemistry and numerical modeling to study meteorological phenomena of the smallest spatio-temporal scales (turbulence, breezes, jets, etc.) to continental scales (fronts…), and explain their impact on air pollution. To do this, we carry out multidisciplinary and multi-instrumented measurement campaigns, on multiple fields of investigation in France and abroad.
Our strength is to systematically approach the complex phenomena of air pollution both from the angles of atmospheric dynamics and physicochemical processes, with very high-level instrumentation and numerical methods. On a micro-scale, efforts are focused on the observation, understanding and prediction of small-scale dynamic structures (turbulence, breeze, jets, etc.), in order to ultimately assess their impact on atmospheric physico-chemistry, in particular vertical exchanges in the atmospheric boundary layer. On a mesoscale, the studies undertaken concern the understanding of the pollution peaks of the planetary hotspots of particulate pollution, as well as the background pollution in the troposphere.
The properties of atmospheric aerosols and their impacts (climatic, on human health or on ecosystems) depend not only on the size and morphology of the particles, but also and above all on their chemical composition (elemental and molecular) and on the manner whose chemical species are distributed within the particles (state of mixing). Our studies focus on the evolution of all these parameters during the transport of particles in the presence of water vapor and / or gaseous pollutants with which they react.
These issues call for state-of-the-art methodologies, both in the field of sampling (airborne sampling devices, networks of micro-sensors, etc.), and on the analytical level (individual analyzes of particles by cryo-TSEM-EDX automated, isotope measurements, instrumentation developed in the PCMI theme such as photo-acoustic spectroscopy, etc.). In addition, we simulate the formation and aging of aerosols in an atmospheric reactor, focusing in particular on the evolution of their physicochemical properties (composition, speciation, hygroscopicity, etc.).
This part of the ACTES theme aims to reduce atmospheric pollutant emissions by developing, on the one hand, innovative solutions to remedy polluting industrial emissions, in particular NOx emissions, and by focusing on the other hand on meeting societal challenges. in the field of clean energies by developing materials to be used in the future for energy storage.
Industrial processes involving combustion are important sources of nitrogen oxides and the development of an effective and economically acceptable strategy allowing a drastic reduction in these emissions is a priority. In partnership with the steel industry, we have developed the “In bed de-NOx” technique based on the introduction of additives into the industrial process. Our objectives are to obtain a better knowledge of the chemical mechanisms involved, and to develop new, more effective additives while preserving the quality of the final product. This “In bed de-NOx” procedure can be implemented in other industrial sectors such as transport or incineration units.
In terms of energy storage, one of the most promising avenues lies in the development of “all-solid” batteries in which electrolytes, solid ionic conductors, constitute the key element. Our thematic interest lies in the development of new inorganic materials that can play this role. We then determine the correlations between the synthesis, composition, structure and transport properties (ionic and / or electronic) of these materials. For this, we rely on internationally recognized expertise in the field of ionic conduction in glasses, structural characterization on “Large Instruments” (synchrotron sources {Diamond, APS, SPring 8} and neutrons {ISIS, SNS}) and on optimized modeling techniques (Empirical Potential Structure Refinement, Reverse Monte Carlo, Density-Functional Theory, AB-initio Molecular Dynamics, etc.) using local (Calculco) and national (IDRIS) computing resources.
HERNANDEZ Carlos 2024-2027
"Synthesis and characterizations of sulfur based sodium solid electrolytes for all-solid-state sodium ion batteries" [M. KASSEM (LPCA), G. LEROY (ULCO)]
DAHER Zenab 2023-2026
"Capteurs chimiques à base de verres chalcogénures destinés à la détection des ions cuivre et nickel dans le milieu aqueux" [M. BOKOVA (LPCA), H. MORTADA (U. Libanaise)]
HAEZEBROUCK Pauline 2023-2026
"Les jets de basses couches en Manche et Mer du Nord : caractéristiques, mécanismes de formation et impact du changement climatique" [H. DELBARRE (LPCA) , E. DIEUDONNE (LPCA)]
MAYNARD Perrine 2022-2025
"Impact des structures turbulentes sur la variabilité des concentrations de polluants à petite échelle" [H. DELBARRE (LPCA) , E. DIEUDONNE (LPCA)]
MCHEECK Mariam 2022-2025
"Etude des membranes vitreuses à base d'halogénures métalliques destinées au dosage de cadmium et de mercure en milieu marin" [M. BOKOVA (LPCA), M. KASSEM (LPCA)]
SAMMOURY Ali 2022-2025
"Matériaux de chalcogénures dopés aux ions sodium ou lithium pour les applications d'électrolyte solide dans les batteries: Synthèse, Structure et voies de conduction préférentielles" [M. BOKOVA (LPCA), J. TOUFAILY-HAMIEH (U. Libanaise)]